Monday, January 17, 2011


here i am starting a blog for real.  i'd thought i would do this a few years ago because it was something i "should" do, so of course i stopped as impulsively as i'd begun.  this time is different. it's coming from a different place, namely my heart, as a way to share my hopes and dreams, fears and disappointments, thrills and successes which seem to be overflowing with a juicy force.  i am earnestly trying to be authentic and part of that is sharing who i really am with the world as a form of self acceptanceit's about time, right?  even if nobody reads this, i'm doing it for me. it's fitting i begin this blog with some pics of my weekly Sunday Santa Barbara Arts and Crafts Show as this is the cornerstone of my art life these days. 
it's where you can find georgie and me every Sunday. we love it!  the gorgeous setting is drop dead gorgeous under the palms with the turquoise ocean on one side of us and the lavender/orange mountains on the other side and beautiful people from all over the world who stroll the beach to look at our work, and buy too.  i feel so blessed to have this as my regualar gig.  only problem is...... they over-sell the show and we newbies have to vie with each other for a good spot in the front row by flipping a coin, or else be relegated to the back which is hardly worth it.  these means i get up at 5 a.m. to be there by 6 and try to find an open spot.  this week i lost my coin flip and ended up taking a spot down at the lower end which i wouldn't have gone for because it's full of trees, shady and subdued. however in my sleepy brain i realized i could decorate the palm trees by wrapping them with the fabric samples of my designs and put skirts on them as backdrops for my art.  aren't they cute?
 well, this last one is sideways and you can see i'm still learning how to do all this but i wanted to show it any way because it's the only one of this grouping.  i don't have time right now to rotate it on iweb because my food group is about to arrive and i need to prepare to share a delicious, healthy meal with firends.  
my next step will be to try to figure out how to attach my blog to my website.  please bear with me as i find my way through this new world of blogging.
til next time~ 


Peter Roberts said...

Hi Erin, great to see you're doing a blog! Wonderful pictures, I almost felt as though I were there. I look forward to following your blog!

Hillary Williams said...

Looks amazing momma, so proud of you! I Love the one with the cacti in it, just you!

Alexandretta said...

Yay! :) Very excited that you're doing this.

Erin Williams Watercolors said...

thanks to all you dear, sweet ones in my life. i appreciate your support.
love you

Pamela & Murray said...

Erin, you are living your dream! "About Erin" brought tears to my eyes. You have been a shining beacon of truth and light for so many through your art and just who you are. I hope some day our kids all cross paths again - yours will always have a special place in my heart, as will you.
